
Kerala IT Dealers Association getting ready for e-tailing

Suksham Sharma
New Update
Kerala IT Dealers Association getting ready for e-tailing

E-tailing is a shift from physical selling from  shops involving a consumer interacting with  the shopkeeper to going  online and selling (a social experience involving masses at the same time).


E-tailing is growing day by day by the growing popularity of online environments. Even the IT retailers all over the country feel the need of selling online as all their business is taken over the online stores available online.

People are now getting digital and prefer shopping online only as this offers more options; be it the variety of the products or the return policies, there is so much to attract the customers well from retailers.

To tackle such competition from online stores, the All Kerala IT Dealers Association has decided to come up with an online society of all its members selling their all IT products online.


In talking to the DQ Week, P.G Suresh, President, AKITDA, shared,"The association is about to make a cooperative society soon with the members of the association. This will go with all type of sales and services.The selling of products will be done in both ways; e-selling(online sales)and offline as well. In this society all the members will be the partners".

Suresh added, "This online society will be having 2000-3000 offices in kerala as all our dealers (AKITDA members) have separate offices in different places within the state through which we will be having more offices with which the reach will be increased or can say we will have our reach all over Kerala".

"By this initiative we will be having around 3000 support offices; unlike other online sellers we will be present in small towns of Kerala also. The complaints of repair could be taken care next door only. We are in the process of developing an online portal for the same. The services will be allotted to different sellers so that in accordance to pin inserted by the  customers could helped by the nearby dealers.


We will be locating sellers in accordance to this. The reach will be increased. There will be all IT related products available on the portal including mobile phones etc", Suresh further added.

Suresh shared that this will take 2-3 months for the association to launch the portal as approvals to register the society from Government are yet to be taken.

Initially, the association is trying to educate the dealers as before going online they must understand that it is for their own growth only.


