Growing at a rate of 15 percent as on March 2004, Keltron has established
itself as a leading player in IT and IT enabled services in Kerala. The IT and
IT enabled services sec-tors contribute Rs 38 crore to the Keltron turnover
As a total solutions provider in IT, the company has been able to bag major
orders agai-nst stiff competition from other leading IT majors and has also
forayed in the free software area by providing Web-based solutions to many
government projects. Training for migrating in to Linux platforms is also
provided by Keltron. During the current financial year, Keltron will be setting
up a Linux Rese-arch Development and Promo-tion Center at a cost of Rs 3 crore.
Development of Mala-yalam desktop and computing solutions, OS’for Sanskrit and
Arabic, GIS based applications and education packages for IT @school are some of
the proje-cts on the anvil, in this segment.
Keltron has also been en-trusted for issuance of Nati-onal Identity Card in
Goa and Medak and has also taken up the voter card projects in Bhopal and Guntur.
In Kerala, Keltron has installed Touch Screen Kiosks in all the 14 districts and
64 taluk head-quarters, besides addressing to the e-governance needs and smart
ID Cards in other business segments.
Keltron is also manning help desks in connection with the voter card
renewals. On-line counting information services using SMS and IVRS are also on
the cards.
CyberMedia News