
JCDA to host outstation trip

DQW Bureau
New Update


Jalandhar Computer Dealers' Association is planning to take its members on an
outstation trip. The date has been finalized for August 29 and 30, 2009.
“Earlier we were planning to make use of this extended weekend during
Independence Day, but for various reasons the dates did not suit a majority of
our members so we had to change them,” shared Rajiv Khanna, key member of the

After much deliberation over the destination, the association has finally
settled for a resort about one and a half hours away from Chandigarh. So far
Khanna confirmed that about 45 members have confirmed their participation in the
trip. He added that they expect about 75 members to join them eventually.

Khanna shared, “We are working out the details and are on the verge of
finalizing three sponsors. If that works out then we will hold the event during
the day so that vendors can give their presentations. If not, then we will just
have an over night party. It will be a time for members to get together and
enjoy themselves.”
