
JCDA applies for registration

DQW Bureau
New Update


style="font-size: 13pt;" size="3">Shortly

after changing its name from Jharkhand Computer Dealer's Welfare

Association (JCDWA) to Jharkhand Computer Dealer's Association

(JCDA), the reformed association has filed for registration with the

local governing body. The change of the name was prompted by dubious

nature of the previous abbreviated form, JCDWA, whereby, according to

Moti Singh, secretary, JCDA, locals used to get confused with the

name of association with club and cricket association.

style="font-size: 13pt;" size="3">In

our dealings with Confederation of IT Associations (CITA) regarding

membership and the meeting during the formation phase, we decided to

go for a name change as well as register it,” said Singh. JCDA has

been keen to join CITA, but on account of it being non-registered,

the local association had to forego the opportunity in the first

phase of confederacy. The present strength of the association is 50

members whereas 150 potential members are in Ranchi alone.

style="font-size: 13pt;" size="3">Singh

said that once the association gets registered, JCDA will venture

into a membership expansion spree and increase its base in the city

and neighboring areas like Hazaribagh. “We were facing many

problems with the association within the structure as it was not

registered. We could not implement policies, impose dictums or decide

over issues as JCDWA was not legal,” added Singh. However, with the

registration likely to come by March, 2012, JCDA is planning to opt

for 'organized way' of functioning. Previously, there was a lack

of unity and solidarity among the members as it was not government

recognized, but with the registration, JCDA is likely to take up

issues of channel partners with distributors, vendors and inter-trade

disputes within the legal fold. Presently, JCDA has 4 office bearers

and an executive board comprising 8 members. It is likely to get

bifurcated after the registration process is over.
