
ITTA, Pondicherry elects new executive body

DQW Bureau
New Update


Information Technology Traders Association (ITTA),

Pondicherry, has elected a new set of office bearers for the current year. At a

recently held AGM, the members of the association have chosen Suresh Kummar Soni

to be the President of the association, while PN Prasad has been nominated as

Vice President; M Magesh as Secretary; Prabhakar as Joint Secretary and T

Sivakumar as the Treasurer. The new office bearers took up charge this month, as

the second offi-cially elected body.

Formed in 2002, the asso-ciation has a couple of imme-diate

challenges to tackle: containing payment defaults, increasing business from

government departments, protecting resellers' interest in business while

dealing with distributors/vendors, streng-thening the association th-rough

various activities which include membership drive and educating the channels on

'profitable business'.

"Last year, we met many of the objectives we had set for

the year including bringing in uniform pricing policy for service (both AMC and

per call), increasing the mem-bership, generating revenues through expos,

strengthening the association and bringing the channel community closer. Still

we have lot more to achieve," said Soni, the newly-elected President.


ITTA is upbeat about its functioning and performance. Proud

to be listed and ranked at number 19 in the latest DQ Channels-IDC survey for

channel associations of India, PN Prasad, Vice President, ITTA said, "It

was a pleasant surprise to see ITTA, Pondicherry ran-ked at No 19 in the

all-India association survey. It reflects our commitment to the orga-nization

and our integrity in the market. I am sure we would have notched up few more

points higher in the sur-vey, if we were a city associ-ation with a much larger


The committee members of ITTA include Sivakumar of Microware

Computers; Rajesh of Indica Computers, Saravanan of Trishul Systems, Nair of

Cusag, Japa Vajpayee of Om Computers and Sridhar of Sukkra Traders include

membership drive and educating the channels on 'profitable business'.

"Last year, we met many of the objectives we had set for

the year including bringing in uniform pricing policy for service (both AMC and

per call), increasing the mem-bership, generating revenues through expos,

strengthening the association and bringing the channel community closer. Still

we have lot more to achieve," said Soni, the newly-elected President.


ITTA is upbeat about its functioning and performance. Proud

to be listed and ranked at number 19 in the latest DQ Channels-IDC survey for

channel associations of India, PN Prasad, Vice President, ITTA said, "It

was a pleasant surprise to see ITTA, Pondicherry ran-ked at No 19 in the

all-India association survey. It reflects our commitment to the orga-nization

and our integrity in the market. I am sure we would have notched up few more

points higher in the sur-vey, if we were a city associ-ation with a much larger


The committee members of ITTA include Sivakumar of Microware

Computers; Rajesh of Indica Computers, Saravanan of Trishul Systems, Nair of

Cusag, Japa Vajpayee of Om Computers and Sridhar of Sukkra Traders.

S Gopikrishna

