
ITAO to hold IT Expo at Bhubaneswar next month

DQW Bureau
New Update


IT Association of Orissa (ITAO) is all geared to hold its
fifth annual IT Expo at the Fortune Towers, Bhubanes-war from January 9 to 12,
2004. According to Soubhagya Routray, Secretary, ITAO, "We have invited
Naveen Patnaik, the Orissa Chief Minister, to inaugurate the event."

The main sponsors of this annual event are Intel, LG,
Mercury, Samsung and Kolkata-based Supertron. Apart from ITAO, the event will
also be co-organized by Orissa Computer Application Center (OCAC), a state
government body.

Last year, the Expo saw the participation of around 80
dealers from Orissa and West Bengal. This year too, Routray expects to see the
same amount of participation. "We have also invited COMPASS to participate
in the event."


ITAO has planned a whole lot of events during the Expo.
"We will invite school students and will allow them to use the Internet and
explain its benefits to them. For this, a large cyber cafe consisting of 30 PCs
will be setup in association with Bhubaneswar STPI," he added.

A cyber quiz will also be held for which students of 33
engineering colleges have been invited to participate. Six winners will be
announced and awarded with computers.

Last but not the least, an IT directory consisting of names
and address of all the major IT vendors, resellers, distributors present in
Orissa will be published and circulated free of cost.


"After the Expo is wrapped up we will also hold an
awards night. Last year, LG was the sponsor and the event was a huge success.
This year too most probably LG will be the sponsor, though we have received
requests from some other companies too," revealed Routray. Last year,
around 36 awards were given out in various categories.

IT Expo 2004 will be both B2B and B2C event and would
showcase the best of IT products and solutions in hardware, software, network-ing
and office automation; elec-tronics and telecom products; multimedia; education
and training.

Karma Negi

New Delhi


