
ITAO settles credit with HP

DQW Bureau
New Update


major href="">HP has
finally agreed to pay the outstanding due for the
sponsorship in the IT Conclave held earlier this year to the host, IT
Association of Orissa (ITAO). The move came in after the successful
meeting of ITAO's executive body and HP local representatives which
was held recently.
face="Times New Roman, serif"> In
an exclusive interview with
face="Times New Roman, serif">The
DQ Week
ITAO Secretary, D Ratho said that soon after the conclusion of the IT
Conclave, held in association with the state nodal agency, HP
refrained to clear off the outstanding amount of Rs 50,000 as part of
the sponsorship deal promising to pay by August 15, this year. “Even
after August 15, HP did not pay ITAO the money for the sponsorship
despite reminders from the association,” said Ratho.

deadline extending by over six months, the agency finally called
for a meeting of the executive body and HP representatives in
Bhubaneswar to decide upon the payment. “The payment due on ITAO's
account will be settled by HP through their channel partner Lalani
Infotech based in the same city. In the executive body meeting held
in mid-October, HP and ITAO agreed to these terms of payment,”
commented Ratho. “There has clearly been some communication gap
between ITAO and HP for which the payment has been delayed,” he
added. However,
sources in the association have revealed that the primary cause of
the delayed payment is due to change of HP employees in the city. HP
went for sponsorship in the IT Conclave based on the deal struck by
its local representatives and no direct communication to the company
was made by ITAO. With these employees leaving the company, ITAO
suggested that the IT major took sometime (three months) to
understand the process and afterwards cleared off the payment.

always prefer payments or sponsorships by the vendors through their
local channel partners. There have been cases in the past where ITAO
had to do a rough follow-up with these vendors in terms of dues as it
was a direct vendor sponsorship. BUT from the past we have learnt to
go for sponsorships from vendors routed through their local channel
partners,” concluded Ratho. He said that the outstanding payment by
HP will be cleared by the end of this month.
