
ITAO forms 5 committees to address distribution business

IT Association of Odisha (ITAO) is an organization formed for over 15 years now and is involved in many activities for the development of IT in Odisha. In the process, ITAO members felt to address many areas which require more focus that what is currently given in order to make the IT vertical of the state more transparent and channel friendly. Three business development committees are constituted to address distinctive issue pertaining and prevailing in the industry vertical especially the distribution business.

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IT Association of Odisha (ITAO) is an organization formed for over 15 years now and is involved in many activities for the development of IT in Odisha. In the process, ITAO members felt to address many areas which require more focus that what is currently given in order to make the IT vertical of the state more transparent and channel friendly. Three business development committees are constituted to address distinctive issue pertaining and prevailing in the industry vertical especially the distribution business.


First is the Business Development Committee, Distribution Business (BDC-D) whose responsibility is to identify problems in distribution business, interact with national Distributors, regional Distributors, and vendors along with setting up and implementing suitable policies to solve the problem and create a healthy distribution business model. Secondly a Business Development Committee, Govt. Business (BDC-G) has been formed whose responsibility is to enhance the relationship with various Government Departments and look for new business opportunities. Additionally, this committee is doubly responsible to give policy inputs to nodal agencies and take care of critical problems relating to partner community dealing specially with Government agencies.
Third is a Business Development Committee, Retail Business (BDC-R) who is responsible to formulate policies in order to ensure growth of Retail business and maintain hygiene in market by implementing MOP with the co-operation of Vendor.
Besides these two other committees are also planned. One is Customer Redressal Forum where the end customer can lodge the complain if he/she is not getting justice from dealer/vendor/service center and two is the New Business/Skill development Committee which will be responsible for skill development of dealer/member as well as to organize workshop/seminar regularly on a monthly basis.

"This is the road map we have made for development of our member stability and business.All these committees have their own responsibility & solving capacity. The committees report the details to the Executive Board (EB) of ITAO and the EB is the final authority to approve and disapprove the Committees decisions & financial details.Many bilateral issues have been addressed as well as financial problems with many members have also been solved. The credit policy is on the process to be implemented after taking views from many members and non-members of ITAO. We are planning for Service policy and many other policies for Members as well customer benefits," SAYS Dayananda Ratho, Secretray, ITAO.

An ITAO Grievance cell number 8260-120-120 for Customers and Dealers is active and partners as well as customers can now approach the association to address their doubts, queries and issues that are disturbing them. "We are planning many other activities to same guard our members business and customers trust & believe," adds Ratho.
