
It is the right time to invest in India

DQW Bureau
New Update


A recent study by the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) shows that there

are more than 15 million servers deployed in the world. These servers are spread

across various departments, which means that 80 percent of the IT infrastructure

sits idle at any given point of time. Though the IT infrastructure is blamed for

contributing to the carbon footprint, the same can be utilized efficiently to

bring down the carbon footprint and help save money. Taylor explains how the

cloud allows sharing of IT infrastructure and reduces carbon footprint of IT.


What prompted Akamai to go with the Indian expansion plan during this

The latest 'Akamai State of the Internet Report' has brought out some

interesting facts about India and the Internet usage in particular. We have seen

a 43 percent growth in the number of IP addresses registered during 2008-09

compared to the previous year. So, that represents the number of citizens coming


However, unfortunately, there is limited capacity as average connection speed

in India is 772Kbps. That ranks India 115th in the average connection speed. The

US is number 17 with a connection speed of 3.9Mbps and South Korea tops the

chart with 15Mbps. The average connection speed around the world is 1.5Mbps.

Kieran Taylor

Sr Director

Akamai Technologies

So it makes sense to invest in India at this right time to bridge the gap

between demand and speed. How exactly is Akamai planning the expansion?

Akamai solutions is to bring the content closer to the users. Akamai has

installed about 45,000 servers in seventy countries across more than 1,100

networks. Our Indian business in particular has witnessed an impressive ten-fold

growth since 2005.

Today, our India center handles all departments starting from marketing to

research and development with 350-plus headcount.


During 2009, we will be expanding our server deployment into different

networks in India so that people get better connection speeds and more reliable

connections to websites.

What is Akamai's strategy toward cloud initiatives?

We at Akamai see cloud computing in three layers-infrastructure as a

service, platform as a service and SaaS, and we have solutions for all these.

The infrastructure as a service is sought for simple storage services or data

center services. The platform as a service, which is represented by computing

services like Amazon EC 2 etc, helps companies in basic application processing

on our platform to reduce the number of application servers and server license

that is needed in a data center. This kind of service is more sought after by

online commerce companies.


With regard to SaaS, we are seeing a great demand from SaaS companies who

want 'pay-as-you-go' or utility-based models. A lot of companies come to Akamai

for this type of solutions.

Sharath Kumar

(Source: CIOL)
