In a 130-city nationwide education drive, Intel India has adopted a mentor’s
role in teaching small and medium businesses (SMBs) across India what it takes
to operate more effectively, grow their business and be more competitive.
According to IDC, just 17 percent of SMBs in India use PCs - less than half
the SMB computerization rate of China (34 percent). Yet technology is one of the
world’s most effective tools in improving business performance. "Intel
believes an increase in tech-nology adoption by small and medium businesses in
India will stimulate greater compe-titiveness in an increasingly global
environment," said Jayant Murty, Director (Mar-keting), Intel Technology
India (P) Ltd
According to Murty, key inhibitors to technology adoption by SMBs include a
perceived lack of need for computerization, absence of a trustworthy, reliable
IT advisor and the initial capital outlay required for the investment.
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