
Intel to mentor Indian SMBs

DQW Bureau
New Update


In a 130-city nationwide education drive, Intel India has adopted a mentor’s
role in teaching Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) across India, what it takes
to operate more effectively, grow their business and be more competitive.

According to IDC, just 17 percent of SMBs in India use PCs–less than half
the SMB computerization rate of China (34 percent). Yet technology is one of the
world’s most effe-ctive tools in improving business performance.

"Intel believes that an inc-rease in technology adoption by SMBs in
India will stimulate gre-ater competitiveness in an inc-reasingly global
environment," said Jayant Murty, Director (Marketing), Intel Technology
India (P) Ltd.


According to Murty, key inhi-bitors to technology adoption by SMBs include a
perceived lack of need for computeri-zation, absence of a trustwor-thy, reliable
IT advisor and the initial capital outlay required for the investment. Intel
aims to educate SMBs on the business advantages offered by techno-logy and
alleviate advice and finance concerns, by working with industry players such as
OEMs and channel members to provide complete solutions incl-uding software and
necessary peripherals, supplemented by financing options, and main-tenance

"Intel is enabling 612 dea-lers from 130 cities to extend sup-port to
SMBs," said Murty. "We are working closely with Tally Solutions, which
will allow our dealers to offer essential accounting packages at com-pelling
prices for more effe-ctive financial management. We are also working with Bajaj
Auto Finance Ltd on the first-ever financing option available nation-wide for
SMBs, which will enable dealers to offer attractive financing options including
lease and hire pur-chase of Intel-based technolo-gies," he added.

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