Silicon power range of pen drives
Pen drives: Touch 830, Firma F80 Silver and Champague Horse, Ultima U03, Mobile X20
unique in feature
safe-guards from water, vibration, dust and shock.
Ranging from 8GB to 32GB and even higher capacity disk drives in all the major metros and B class cities.
Fully compliant with the Hi-Speed USB 2.0 and 3.0,
Facilitates data transmission for mobile devices and PC uses, and can also be plugged and played without any cable and provides reliable performance
Robust design to meet the requisite domain standards.
Touch 830 4GB - Rs 294
Firma F80 Silver and Champague Horse 4GB - Rs 445
Ultima U05 32GB - Rs 1030
Mobile X20 16GB - Rs 785
Inspan Infotech
#6, Bishop Waller's Avenue South,
Tel: 42088250/51