Indiagames have signed-up Mona Singh, popularly known as 'Jassi' from the Television series "Jassi
Jaisi Koi Nahin", and will develop mobile content based on her. Mobile
phone users will be able to download wallpapers, themes, and other exciting
content based on Mona Singh who became instantly popular with television
audiences across the country with her portrayal of 'Jassi' — a plain-Jane
who gets transformed into a stunning beauty as the show progressed.
Indiagames has been continuously developing revolutionary
mobile content and have signed up the likes of Mandira Bedi, Zaheer Khan and now
Mona Singh, adding even more variety to their existing line of mobile content.
Speaking on the announcement, Mona Singh said, "Mona on
Mobile — I skeptically raised an eyebrow, until Indiagames helped me visualize
it. Now that's a unique concept, I thought. When I was given the walk through,
it certainly had me ticking. I've noticed the groovy innovations in mobile
phones — features as well as content. This mobile application is the
transformation of a fan club from snail mail 'Mona era to the 'new Mona on
the go' era. This opens up a new dimension for people to interact with and
know me better. I'm excited by the prospects."
"Besides the entertainment value, Mona is already a
source of inspiration for millions of viewers. We are glad that Mona shares our
enthusiasm and vision. We want to provide clean-fun and ethical content for
mobile phone users. The content will be very varied, unlike content that is
currently available. We are planning to have exclusive "Mona Singh
Zones" with carriers and users can join the Mona Singh Club and have fun
downloading content based on her .We are thrilled to bring Mona Singh to mobile
phones," said Vishal Gondal - CEO Indiagames Ltd.
DQW News Bureau
New Delhi