
India ranks second in the adoption of Web 2.0

DQW Bureau
New Update




the recent survey conducted by McAfee regarding the usage of Web

2.0 adoption at workplace, India leads the adoption of Web 2.0 for IT

solutions. The survey was conducted in 17 countries and more than 75

percent of organizations reported the use of Web 2.0 solutions for

many business functions.

we all are aware that social networking is on the go, we found that

the popularity of social media has touched 90 percent in India,

Brazil and Spain. While talking to the vendors, we came to know that

the primary reason for adopting the social media was to create new

revenue streams and reaching out to the customers and partners. In

fact, we also found out that 68 percent of organizations that adopts

social media, creates new opportunities for their organizations,”

said Ambarish Deshpande, Director- Channel and Alliances and Mid

Market, South Asia, McAfee.


in this era of huge competition, it is no doubt that the

organizations are going great length to adopt new changes in order to

advertise, connect and earn valuable customer loyalty. Social

networking has come as

a huge change that many companies have started to accept it in a big

way. Though the concept is still in a nascent stage but it seems that

the solution providers are already harping onto the next big

marketing revolution taking place in the form of social media


It is indeed true that social

media connects people from all over the world on a single platform

what really matters is the security involved in the process. Talking

about the threat involved in Web 2.0 Pavan Duggal, Cyber Law Expert

and Advocate, Supreme Court of India added, “Security is the

leading concern for Web 2.0 technologies. In fact, organizations in

India, which have seen high losses from security incidents are most

likely to budget for Web 2.0 specific security solutions. Virus and

malware functions are the most common type of security incidents.

Beyond security other factors that account for limited use of Web 2.0

in organizations include lack of demand and lack of applicability.”

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Ambarish, organizational leaders are highly concerned with

potential threats from Web 2.0 technologies, they also worry about

the security, data integrity, employers productivity along with the

legal and technological consequences that can occur as a result of

Web 2.0 usage.
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percent of organizations have a workplace social media policy in

place and about 50 percent of respondents from India reported rusting

in employees to know what is in the company's best interest.”
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DQ Channels also conducted a survey related to the popularity of Web

2.0 among the solution providers. And with the kind of responses that

the solution providers have for the networking media, it is best to

say that, organizations that are yet to venture into online social

networks are seriously behind the times and missing out on lucrative

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of us would like to have a community forum and irrespective of the

locations, genders and nationalities, we are constantly connected

with one another. Our businesses can attract customers by creating

profiles, describing and also posting pictures if applicable and

making full use of all the other options made available by the social

media sites,” added Sudarshan Ranganathan of Veeras Infotek.