
India PC sales to touch three million mark

DQW Bureau
New Update


PC sales in India are expected to reach three million units
in fiscal 2003-04, according to the findings of MAIT’s Industry Per-formance
Review for the first half of 2003-04. Fiscal 2002-03 had recorded 2.3 million
units of PC sales.

The survey also shows that PC sales in the first half have
crossed the one million mark. With sound macroeconomic condition and buoyant
buying sentiment in the market, MAIT has revised its PC sales growth projections
for FY 2003-04 from earlier 20 percent to 30 percent.

According to the study, the Desktop PC market grossed 12.58
lakh units registering a growth of 32 percent over the same period in the
previous year. According to MAIT’s study, the turnaround in PC sales can be
attributed, on one hand, to increased consum-ption by Industry verticals such as
telecom, banking and financial services and IT-enab-led services as well as
major e-governance and digital divide initiatives of the central and state


On the other hand, the hig-hly priced sensitive Indian mar-ket
has responded like never before to the drop in prices, especially at the
entrylevel. This has led to a significant increase in the consumption in the
small and medium enterprises and in the home market. According to the study
forecasts, the overall markets for notebooks is likely to increase from a
current installation of 30,000 to more than 75,000 by the end of this year. The
assembled PCs accounted for 57 percent of the PC sales in H1/2003-04 and in
absolute terms, the sales of the assembled brands grew by 57 percent. The
proportion of the assembled PC sales grew from 48 percent in the same period,
the previous year.

The MAIT-IMRB Review reve-als that PC sales to the business
segment improved by 20 per-cent accounting for 74 percent of the total PC
consumption. Households witnessed a signi-ficant improvement in consum-ption
compared to that in the first half of the last year with sales growing by 88
percent over H1/2002-03. The consum-ption in home-offices also grew by 97

As per the study by MAIT-IMRB, overall printer sales grew by
20 percent compared to that in H1/2002-03. The first half of fiscal 2003-04 was
marked by the resurgence by 22 percent in the market for the dot-matrix printers
due to increased con-sumption in the household and the retails/outlets.


Similarly sales of Inkjet prin-ters grew by 21 percent led
the households where consum-ption increased by 102 percent, although the sales
in the busi-ness segment for Inkjets dip-ped by 22 percent. Laser prin-ters
recorded a growth of nine percent due to significantly high consumption in the
retails/outlets. The growth projection for FY 2003-04 for overall pri-nter sales
has been revised from 15 percent to 20 percent; sales are expected to cross one
million units.

The sales growth in smaller towns and cities continued
undiminished in FY 2003-04. Class B and C cities accounted for 50 percent of
total PC sales, registering a growth of 42 percent, the proportion increased
from 46 percent in the same period last fiscal. Consumption of notebooks in
Class B cities grew a whopp-ing 246 percent accounting for 17 percent of the
total market.

Further, although the overall sales for servers registered a
negative growth, Class B cities registered a growth of 206 per-cent and Class C
192 percent. Similarly, in the UPS market, while sales dropped to negative in
the top four cities, it was increased consumption in the class B & C towns
that led to an overall positive growth of nine percent.


MAIT’s Industry Perfor-mance Review–ITOPs, condu-cted by
market research firm IMRB (Indian Market Research Bureau), is bi-annual and aims
to address the hardware sec-tor’s efforts to manage the business environment
gauge the market potential and con-sumer trends.

CyberMedia News Service

New Delhi
