
In the new HP, the channel has a more powerful partner — Balu Doraisamy

DQW Bureau
New Update


The new HP is busy designing and building up its partner-centric model. In an

exclusive e-mail interview with DQCI, Balu Doraisamy, President, HP India, said

that he wanted to convey the message to partners of both, pre-merger HP and

Compaq, that in the new HP, the channel has a partner who is absolutely

committed to their success in the market.

“In the new HP, they have a more powerful partner to help them meet their

customer needs and compete in the marketplace,” said Doraisamy. In dealing

with partners, the new HP will be guided by several key principles. Some of

these principles include, predictability through clearly defined rules of

engagement; strong business development focus; flexible and scalable demand

creation tools; easy-to-manage and maintain administrative and operational

processes; and the ability to be dynamic across a rich product portfolio.

These principles are meant to allay the fears among partners who were used to

work under two different cultures of pre-merger HP and Compaq. Before the merger

news had broken out, partners of each of these companies were competing fiercely

in the marketplace to bag orders from clients.


Though the new HP has been established, the uncertainty among partners still

continues because channel policies of the new company are yet to be announced.

The new HP is aware of this and Doraisamy said, “For the short-term (30 to 90

days) there is little change to the way we currently work. Depending on what

products the partners are selling or influencing, they will continue to work

within the respective programs of both companies.”

This policy is being adopted to ensure that channel partners face least

amount of disruption in the current business flow. This applies to such areas as

marketing/affinity programs and benefits, promotions, contracts (Ts and Cs),

order processing, quotes and configuration, special pricing, order fulfillment,

and credit.

Pointed out Doraisamy, “In the long-term, our intent is to blend the best

of both pre-merger HP and pre-merger Compaq to deliver a partner-centric,

integrated program that is flexible, scalable and dynamic to meet the needs of a

very competitive marketplace.”


The new HP believes that the development of a partner-centric model will

maximize its augmentation and extension capabilities resulting in increased

market reach and revenue opportunities.

Sylevester Lobo

