
IEG, Oracle to rollout program for students

DQW Bureau
New Update

Institute for Electronic Governance (IEG) signed a memorandum of

understanding (MoU) with Oracle India and Oracle Academy to introduce the Oracle

Academy's business and technology curriculum to students in Andhra Pradesh.


The IEG, which leads the State's Jawahar Knowledge Center initiative, will

work with Oracle to rollout the program to 342 engineering colleges that are

part of the initiative.

The program will be offered to more than 50,000 students over a two-year


In addition, 342 Jawahar Knowledge Center faculty members will receive

intensive training in the Oracle Academy curri­culum. Students from Andhra

Pradesh will join the more than 1,03,000 students from over 900 education

institutions in the Asia-Pacific region who have already benefited from the

Oracle Academy program.
