After attracting the Indian enterprises over the years, HP has professed its
interest towards the Indian pu-blic sector and the SMBs. Amit Chatterjee, Coun-try
Sales Manager (Soft-ware Global Business Unit), HP India, said, "In terms
of market segme-nts, we will now increas-ingly focus on the public sector and
SMB segme-nts in India because of their increased buying behavior and technology
spends in addition to our continued focus on the Enterprise segment. Our
channels will be a key to deliver on our aggressive SMB plans. We hope to mass
recruit the tier-2 channel part-ners of our channel mem-
bers to help us increase our footprint in SMB segment."
Adding to Chatterjee's state-ment, Peter Vander Fluitthe, VP (Software
Sales-Software Global Business Unit), HP, said, "HP's endeavor has been
to enable IT organizations to aut-omate the dynamic link bet-ween business and
IT, integra-ting people, process and tech-nology seamlessly to deliver and
support IT as a portfolio of valued services. We are expan-ding our solutions
portfolio, so as to give our customers the choice of a complete portfolio of
products, services and man-agement solutions, that are delivered by the software
bu-siness partner of their choice."
The $ 76.8 billion IT giant is also entering the booming identity management
(IM) ma-rket, which will also have an impact in terms of new IM prod-ucts and
solutions being offered in India. As part of the IM and change and configu-ration
management thrust, HP has anno-unced the launch of two tech-nologies in the HP
OpenView software portfolio-HP Open-View Select Identity and HP OpenView Radia.
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