HP India has announced their dual brand consumer PC strategy for the Indian market with the introduction of a wide range of new HP Pavilion PC models and Compaq Presario Home PCs. The strategy is clearly focused on offering consumers more choice.
“We are geared to drive growth in the home PC market with the extended choice now available from the #1 Consumer PC company and excel in our own performance, bolstered by a powerful product line across two strong brands,” said Ravi Swaminathan, VP (Personal Systems Group), HP India.
The HP Pavilion Home PC is positioned as a life style product, which offers a complete home solution for every member of the family. It offers consumers the ability to capture, create and share digital video and pictures, enjoy music, the latest blockbuster film and play games in the home.
The Pavilion Home PCs will be sold through 120 Premium HP retail stores in 30 cities across the country. The Presario will feature productivity features like multimedia, Internet keyboard, the JBL speakers and the options of the operating systems. It will be aimed at the SOHO segment and at households seeking such solutions.
The Presario will be available in the price range of Rs 29,990 to Rs 49,990 and meet customer needs across the price and performance spectrum. The Presario Home PCs will be sold through 700 outlets across the metro cities, Class 1 and Class II towns over time.
HP is introducing three new Pavilion Home PC models; these include the HP Pavilion t220i, t230i and t250i. With the launch
of three new models, the Presario Home PCs would be offering the widest choice of specs, configurations and prices.
“Across the world HP is following a dual brand PC strategy to provide the consumers more choice and get more retail space.
The products in the two brands would overlap. There would be a differentiation between the two brands on appearance, features and even prices to some extent, but there would be no elevation of one brand over the other,” added
According to IDC Q1, 2003 report, HP leads by a clear margin of three points from its nearest competitor at 7.4 percent in the consumer desktop category.
IDC forecasts a growth of 20 percent for the Indian Consumer PC market. Currently, the assembler to branded PC market ratio stands at 82-18 percent. This ratio is poised to move in favor of branded PCs in the coming years.
“Our dual brand consumer PC strategy will hasten this move in favor of branded PCs,” Swaminathan added.
DQW News Bureau