Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) has announ-ced the general
availability of eTrust Secure Content Man-ager, a comprehen-sive, scalable
solu-tion for protecting organizations from the diverse dangers of the Internet–including
viruses, spam and inappro-priate use of the Web by employees.
According to the company release, by integrating all these functions into a
sin-gle, easy-to-use solu-tion, eTrust Secure Content Manager will enable Indian
customers to achieve these benefits with less cost and admini-strative work than
with sepa-rate antivirus, spam filtering and Web access control tools.
eTrust Secure Content Man-ager provides integrated con-tent security policy
mana-gement for HTTP, SMTP and FTP, policy-based scanning of email and Web
traffic and a user self-management feature that empowers users to help filter
spam and block URLs while reducing false positives. It also has a customizable
word/phrase search and alerting to prevent sensitive corporate information from
leaving the enterprise, advanced content reporting that gives security managers
a 360-degree view of trends and content-related security eve-nts across the
ent-erprise and complete virus protection us-ing CA’s dual-engine scanning.
"Organizations are facing critical secu-rity challenges, but have
limited resou-rces. With eTrust Sec-ure Content Mana-ger, CA is making opt-imum
protection as manageable and affo-rdable as possible–both in terms of pur-chase
price and on-going administra-tion," said Pravir Arora, Marketing Director
CA India.
eTrust Secure Co-ntent Manager is available through CA and its authorized
resellers and distri-butors. Product orders will be fulfilled exclusively
through CA’s channel partners.
CyberMedia News Service