India Switch Company (ISC), the subsidiary of Chennai-based HMA Data Systems has launched Total Retail Infrastructure Management Services (TRIMS) for the retail-banking sector to outsource their entire gamut of retail delivery channels.
India Switch Company through the TRIMS program will install ATMs for the banking sector within a short period of forty-two days. "In this program the banks will have nothing to do. Everything will be carried by TRIMS like the site survey, ATM management, ATM network, management of card, cash, documentation, information and transaction. It will be on TRIMS to educate even the security guard on the ATM ethos. In short the entire site is ours," said Mani Mamallan, Executive Vice President, India Switch Company Pvt Ltd.
TRIMS is brought out by the amalgamated efforts of the group companies. While Diebold HMA, a premium company marketing self-service terminals provides the infrastructure systems, HMA STARware Ltd (HMAS), the software solution wing, takes care of solution requirements. The service part will be handled by India Switch Company.
Delivery channels that can be setup using TRIMS include ATMs, Any Branch Banking, POS terminals, kiosks, bill presentment and payment, Internet banking, mobile banking, call center management, card management, product promotion and positioning, branding of the services and MIS/CRM program. ISC will build and manage the total infrastructure solutions.
HMA, which has already bagged 93 orders within a period of three months plans to install 150 ATMs within 12 months. "If the bank takes it on itself to install the outlet it will cost them around Rs 7000 per day, whereas we charge only Rs 5000," said Harish K Murthi, Managing Director, HMA Data Systems Private Limited. "We were the pioneers in introducing ATM technology to India through Diebold HMA. We were the first to introduce Shared Payment Network System (SPNS) and now we have this unique TRIMS concept," he added.
HMA Data Systems Private Limited is expecting a turnover of more than Rs 100 crore for the coming fiscal.