
HCL launches MS CoE 

DQW Bureau
New Update


HCL Comnet announced the opening of India's first Microsoft Center of Excellence (CoE) for Infras­tructure Management. 

This center will signifi­cantly add to HCL's existing capabilities in offering mig­ration and project services to worldwide customers on new Microsoft technologies. 

The CoE will further enha­nce HCL's capabilities in implementing best practices around active Microsoft plat­form and technologies, buil­ding unique solutions for implementing new MS tech­nology platforms, show­casing and offering migra­tion and project based ser­vices to global customers for deplo­ying new MS platforms like Windows Vista, SMS, MS Sys­tem Centre, MOM 2007, etc. 

Under this CoE, an exclu­sive Infrastructure Lab will be set-up at Comnet's state-of-the-art premises at Noida with an initial investment of US$1 mn by HCL. 


Commenting on this ini­tia­tive, Anant Gupta, COO, HCL Comnet said, "This CoE brings to light another in­teresting facet to our exis­ting relationship with Micro­soft and is an important milestone for the Remote Infrastructure Management Industry in India and HCL's global leadership in this arena."

The infrastructure mana­ge­­ment CoE will add a new dimension to the existing HCL-Microsoft relationship by reducing the total cost of ownership of software on the Microsoft side and adding more value to the skill-set of engineers/analysts on HCL's side.

CyberMedia News 

New Delhi
