HCL Comnet announced the opening of India's first Microsoft Center of Excellence (CoE) for InfrasÂtructure Management.
This center will signifiÂcantly add to HCL's existing capabilities in offering migÂration and project services to worldwide customers on new Microsoft technologies.
The CoE will further enhaÂnce HCL's capabilities in implementing best practices around active Microsoft platÂform and technologies, builÂding unique solutions for implementing new MS techÂnology platforms, showÂcasing and offering migraÂtion and project based serÂvices to global customers for deploÂying new MS platforms like Windows Vista, SMS, MS SysÂtem Centre, MOM 2007, etc.
Under this CoE, an excluÂsive Infrastructure Lab will be set-up at Comnet's state-of-the-art premises at Noida with an initial investment of US$1 mn by HCL.
Commenting on this iniÂtiaÂtive, Anant Gupta, COO, HCL Comnet said, "This CoE brings to light another inÂteresting facet to our exisÂting relationship with MicroÂsoft and is an important milestone for the Remote Infrastructure Management Industry in India and HCL's global leadership in this arena."
The infrastructure manaÂgeÂÂment CoE will add a new dimension to the existing HCL-Microsoft relationship by reducing the total cost of ownership of software on the Microsoft side and adding more value to the skill-set of engineers/analysts on HCL's side.
CyberMedia News
New Delhi