
HCL Infosystems tops the desktop PC list

DQW Bureau
New Update


HCL Infosystems has been rated as the number one brand in the IDC
India-Dataquest Custo-mer Satisfaction Audit 2004 in product reliability and
perfor-mance, pre-sales and marketing and delivery and installation parameters
exceeding the indu-stry expectation.

According to the report, in the desktop segment HCL scored on both the top
para-meters-product features and post sales support-rated above the average
industry expectations, both core stre-ngths of HCL. In the key sub parameters
like product reli-ability, product performance, warranty and replacement,
responsiveness and availabi-lity of spares, HCL got above average scores,
selected as the number one brand in the overall product category. In the server
segment HCL’s satisfaction score on both the product features and price
performance parity (the top concerns for the CIO) were higher than the industry

IDC India conducted a survey among 533 CIOs this year, with the objective to
develop a brand score of customer satisfaction for different pro-duct and
service categories and to identify functional and ser-vice attributes that drive
customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted, cover-ing large enterprises
across various verticals. The survey was spread across six cities- Delhi, Mumbai,
Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata.


CyberMedia News Service

New Delhi
