Gwalior partners were facing dropdown in communication with each other which was somewhere affecting business dropdown too. Association was not active from past two years and functioning at zero level which catered indifferences, miscommunication between the partners. As competition is increasing and challenges are evolving day by day which slowed the business functioning. Partners there in Gwalior managing business in their own way which is not resulting the overall business of city in needed way.
But as per current scenario partners have gathered and decided to move ahead creating single body to function in favor of partners. “We are expecting to conduct election in this very month to hold issues and resolve business problems being created due to mis-communication between each other, “said Ram ex-president of association.
Restart and re-elections will lead to construct new rules, policies, and opportunities for partners. Even though the ex-members of association went into split from past 2 years but now members have planned to conduct election in order. An election has also generated opportunity for partners to nominate themselves to keep their ideas and bind partners once again.
Partners are happy with combined decision of each dealer to participate and elect EC body members who seek for creating business and better earning, growing opportunities in city. They are ensuring support and stand behind survival of association for long time. Partners started giving their names for positions to make IT Gwalior bring on track.