The 11th International Con-ference on Management of Data (COMAD 2005) will be
held in Goa from Jan 6—8, 2005. COMAD 2005 will focus on new developments in
the principles and practices related to data management. The conference will
bring together researchers, pra-ctitioners, developers and users to present and
discuss emerging trends, concepts, techniques, technologies and experiences in
data management.
For over a decade, the COMAD International Con-ference on Management of Data,
modeled along the lines of ACM SIGMOD, has been the premier database conference
hosted in India. It was held on a close-to-annual basis until Dec 2000, after
which various national and international database events, including ICDE in
March 2003, have been hosted in India. The orga-nization of COMAD 2005 is an
attempt to revive the COMAD series.
Number of original res-earch papers on the theory, specification, design, and
implementation of data and information manage-ment systems will be pre-sented in
the three-day conference. Various case studies and experiences in the design and
impleme-ntation of such systems and industrial papers, as well as proposals for
tutorials and panels will be the part of the agenda.
To ensure wide visibility of material published at the conference, organizers
are planning to make arran-gements with ACM SIGMOD for including the pro-ceedings
of the conference in the SIGMOD on-line and CD-ROM archives. Two awards, for
Best Paper and Best Student Paper, will be presented at the conference.
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