
Goa speaker disapproves MLAs using mobile phones in house

DQW Bureau
New Update
Goa speaker disapproves MLAs using mobile phones in house

On the last day of the monsoon session of the Goa Assembly recently, Speaker Pramod Sawant expressed his disapproval over the MLAs using mobile phones on the floor of the House.


In his valedictory address, Sawant said many legislators were seen using their mobile phones when the session was in progress.

"I want to make a suggestion that the members should not use mobile phones while assembly is in session. They should maintain decorum of the House," he said, adding that mobile phones would not be allowed in House from the next session.

Listing out the highlights of the session which began on July 18, Sawant said the Assembly has saved Rs 1,55,67,750 by going paperless that also helped in saving environment.

"During the session, 17 condolence motions and 19 congratulatory motions were unanimously passed by the House. The state government laid 174 papers on the table while there were three Calling Attention motions and 24 mentions during Zero Hour," he said.
Sawant said the total of 86 demands for grants for the financial year 2017-18 were passed by voice vote.
"The total of 115 cut motions for the demands of grants were moved by the Opposition benches. The session had 15 private member resolutions which were discussed and put to vote after which 11 were withdrawn, two were passed unanimously and one was defeated after voting on it," he added. RPS NSK