DQW News Bureau
Chennai, 4 Nov
Global e-Solutions Ltd announced that the company has registered a net profit of Rs 132.04 lakh for the quarter ended 30 September 2000. Gross sales registered at Rs 524.32 lakh as against Rs 22.24 lakh recorded during the corresponding period last year. Earnings per share stands at Rs 2.60 for the quarter.
Global e-Solutions Ltd also announced that the company will soon attain MSC status for its Joint Venture company in Malaysia and a MOU with a leading telecom company in Malaysia is on the cards for delivering WAP solutions and Internet Application centric solutions. The company will be setting up ISP nodes and IT Training center network across the Indian sub-continent and the Pacific rim.
Global e-Solutions is also planning to launch a comprehensive banking suite and Enterprise Business application of production units shortly in client-server, web-centric and WAP enabled architecture.