
Gigabyte peps up product line for 64-bit computing

DQW Bureau
New Update


Gigabyte Technology (India) Ltd has pepped up its motherboard product range to drive the next generation computing techno­logy - 64-bit processing. 

Rajan Sharma, GM, Mot­her­boards and Peripherals, Gigabyte Technology (India) Ltd, said, "All Gigabyte pro­ducts that are 64-bit ready are also compatible with 32-bit applications, affording users full compatibility with existing applications toge­ther with higher performance when used with a processor and operating system that is 64-bit ready."

According to the press release, the 64-bit technology offers more speed and faster processing features. The speed of interaction between the processors and mother­boards and other peripherals will increase, thereby increa­sing the utilization of the current peripherals to its optimum extent. The boost in performance provided by 64-bit computing offers tangible advantages for today's most demanding applications such as engineering design pro­grams or digital content creation and management. Sys­tems with 64-bit archite­cture that are running appli­cations that have been developed to take advantage of 64-bit technology enjoy substantially increased physi­cal memory support with drastically reduced memory accessing time.


Gigabyte has following motherboards for 64-bit computing: GA-8ANXP-D, GA-8I925XE-G, GA-8I955X Royal,
GA-8I945G, GA-8I945GMF, GA-8I915G-MFD, GA-K8NXP-SLI, GA-K8NE and GA-K8VM800M.

DQW News Bureau

