
Ghaziabad Computer Association plans to hold IT show

DQW Bureau
New Update


Ghaziabad Computer Association (GCA) is con-templating to hold an IT show on
the same lines as the other regional IT shows currently being held all over the
coun-try by different channel associations.

Formed in June 2002, GCA has 60 registered members, in-formed Rajesh Gogia,
VP of the association. "We have a crite-rion that only those can be-come
members who possess a sales tax number," he said.

The other office-bearers of the association are Vijay Bamba of Computer Ghar,
President; Harsh Batra of Classic Commu-nication, Secretary; Arun Kak-kar of
Nutek Computer, Joint Secretary; Shalabh Mittal of Graph line Computers,
Treasu-rer; and Suresh Garg of Suresh Typewriter Company, Patron. "Gargji
is a very old player in the market and respected by all, therefore, we call him
the pat-ron of the association," infor-med Gogia.


According to Gogia, the mar-ket in Ghaziabad has around 200 resellers out of
which, only 60 are registered members of the association as they have a valid
sales tax number.

GCA has a registration fee of Rs 500 and another Rs 100 per month for other
activities. "All of us meet on the second of every month and address the
various issues and problems of the dealers and try to solve them. Recently, we
sorted out an HP cartridge problem ami-cably. Then there are other pro-blems
related to replacement, warranty etc and we sort them out among the groups

GCA is also planning to hold a cricket match but above all it plans to
organize an IT show if possible in the month of February itself. "We do
have such shows organized by Ghaziabad Trade Promot-ion Organization, but it’s
not exclusively for the IT commu-nity. Therefore, we want to or-ganize one of
our own. Right now, these plans are under-way and before that a lot of things
have to be sorted out like the expenses and infras-tructure required and so


The association has plans to invite dealers from outside too. It will also be
holding its third annual elections in the month of April. "We haven’t
decided upon the date as yet, but yes it will definitely be held in the month of
April this year," revealed Gogia.

Karma Negi

New Delhi

