Of the refillable cartridges that are out in the market at present, our own
brand Colorjet has fared quite well. In the current economic scenario, customers
are presently looking to cut costs. Refillable cartridges come under that low
cost category, and consumers are becoming more and more interested in it.
Manufacturers in the past have not been able to give a guarantee on product
quality when it came to cartridges and therefore there was not much growth
there. We do not compromise on product quality and we are prompt with our
supplies. There is also the green angle-refillable cartridges are
environment-friendly. The plastic in the product itself is non-biodegradable and
therefore, it definitely goes a long way if we are able to re-use and
recycle them. Plus, it feels good to have done something for nature once in a
while! I believe that we will be seeing a shift from branded cartridges to
refillable ones very soon. As a company, currently we are focusing on building
on the corporate sector, as well as SMB and SOHO. Educational institutions do
not really have the need for laser printer cartridges, but when they do, that
would be another focus area for us.
Ganesh Khetan |