
FutureSchools providing low-end education for high-end benefits

DQW Bureau
New Update


No more textbooks? No more timed tests? According to Krishnambika Nambiar,

Director–Operations of US based FutureSchools Indian operations–the future

of education seems rosy for students as long as they can grasp IT basics at an

early stage. This is exactly what the company is doing–providing IT education

at a lower level so that a student can reap high-end benefits at a later stage.

Having set up its base in India, FutureSchool is now looking forward to

developing new partnerships and business models within the region. "We are

open to talks with all the major IT education institutes. We strongly feel that

as different governments come out with various education projects like the

government of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu,

there would be a need for big IT education companies to find an ideal partner

for the low end IT education and we can provide that. We are provi-ding our

courses at a very nominal rate. Per student it comes to about Rs 40 per month,

which is quite affordable," she added.

At present, the company is already providing its services to Sanskriti, Amity

and DPS within Delhi and it is hoping to pro-vide same courses at places outside

Delhi as well.


"A lot of schools have started to take us very seriously and they know

the need for students to have IT education as early as possible. We have divided

our educational programs into three categories–silver for class one to three,

gold for class four to six and platinum for class seventh and eighth. This

classification helps us maintain the needed balance when it comes to imparting

quality education for young ones," she explained.

According to the company, a lot needs to be done on the lower level of

education when it comes to imparting IT edu-cation in the country.

Zia Askari

(CyberMedia News Service)
