
Epicor Unveils Product Vision to Accelerate Cloud ERP Adoption

DQW Bureau
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Epicor Unveils Product Vision to Accelerate Cloud ERP Adoption

Epicor Software has unveiled its product vision for the next-generation of user interface (UI) technology and design and industry cloud platforms that will drive Epicor solutions enabling customers and partners to embrace cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, predictive analytics, and other emerging technologies.


“Analysts have said that by 2020 nearly 80 percent of CTOs in leading organizations will facilitate the identification of emerging technologies to accomplish digital transformation,” said Himanshu Palsule, chief product and technology officer at Epicor Software. “Our product strategy embraces the unique strengths of Epicor industry-specific platforms, underpinned by a modern service fabric and topped with cross-platform applications that achieve digital transformation and raise the bar for automation, analytics, and customer experience.”

The pillars of the Epicor product vision start with the aim to deliver leading global industry focused ERP in the cloud through supporting customercentric best-in-class cloud solutions fit for industry; expanding the global ERP footprint; providing global customers with easy to-deploy solutions for evolving compliance and legislative needs; leveraging an ecosystem of solutions for vertical extensibility; and, enabling use of a delightful and consistent user interface

model—all deployed across a global Microsoft Azure public cloud infrastructure.
