
e-Suvidha set to usher e-gov era for Uttar Pradesh

DQW Bureau
New Update


Aligning itself with the rest of nation's e-governance momentum, the Uttar
Pradesh (UP) government has finally registered the State Smart City Project unit
as 'e-suvidha' under the Society Registration Act 1860. The body, registered
as a government society under the department of IT and ele-ctronics, has now
attained a legal status and the state popu-lace can now look forward to
different e-governance initiati-ves, which would be underta-ken by the state
government to bridge the digital divide.

The UP government has sig-ned an agreement with the consortium partners-Hyde-rabad
based CMS Computer Ltd and Ram Informatics Ltd to manage this project within UP.
Interestingly, both these com-panies are from Hyderabad and have done
commendable work in e-governance within the state of AP.

According to the conditions of the agreement signed bet-ween these two
companies and the state government, the two companies would be responsible for
the day to day functioning of the 'e-suvidha center' situated in Uptron
building at Gomtinagar, how-ever, the administrative control of the center would
vest with the government.


"This e-gov project, backed by the state government, aims at minimizing
the interface between the customer and the government departments by providing
the customer with the required information under a single window sys-tem,"
informed State project coordinator of e-suvidha Mohan Thakur.

According to him, if all goes as per the state's plans, the pro-ject is
going to redefine public service by connecting selected services and information
of state, center and semi-govern-ment departments, authori-ties, agencies,
autonomous bodies, corporations and boards through an Internet based interface.

The departments, which will be connected to the central data hub of
Gomtinagar in the initial phase, include Lesa, Nagar Nigam, Jal Sansthan, LDA,
trade tax and Awas Vikas. While, those which will be linked later include the DM's
office, the SSP office, BSNL, railways and passport office, tourism and stamp
and regis-tration office.


Zia Askari

CyberMedia News
