
DQW EXCLUSIVE: COMPASS announces expo dates

The event will be held on January 21-24, 2012 at Netaji Indoor Stadium

New Update

Moving ahead with plans for organizing the annual expo, traditionally held in the beginning of every year, Computer Association of Eastern India, (COMPASS) recently announced the dates of its expo. The event will be held on January 21-24, 2012 at Netaji Indoor Stadium.


Although, the event is still at planning stage with no themes or agenda finalized yet, the Kolkata based association will be holding a lottery in December to allot stalls and pavilions to the association members. However, this year, COMPASS has opened its grounds for CITA members to participate in the expo either through sponsorships or by stall allotments.

"We try to plan new things every year and this year too, we are focusing on trying out something new. The proposal will be placed to the committee next week to finalize the impending theme and agenda," said Pradeep Biyani, chairman, expo committee, COMPASS.

However, things are yet to get finalized and the association has not yet started contacting any companies for partnerships and sponsorships. "The event is still in a nascent stage. Nothing has been finalized yet except the dates. Only after we make the agenda, theme and come up with related preparation, we will be sending out invitations to the vendors," concluded Biyani.
