
Dell reiterates Right to Trademark

DQW Bureau
New Update

Dell (India) today reiterated its position against "grey market" imports, also known as 'parallel imports' of Dell-branded products into India. Dell said it will continue to support the protection of customer rights so that they are not victimized through misinformation or by inappropriately supported products. Dell also reiterated its commitment to stand by authorized resellers and the protection of trademarks and intellectual property rights under Indian law.


Dell stated that it considered that the Mumbai custom order had ignored the settled and correct legal position and it was in the process of taking necessary legal recourse in this regard. The trademark ‘Dell' has been registered in the name of Dell Inc., USA under the Trade Marks Act, 1999, which entitles Dell Inc. to certain exclusive rights under law with respect to computers and laptops.

According to Dell India, 'Parallel imports' involve the illegal distribution of legitimate Dell-branded products manufactured for a specific country or market into another country or market. Products manufactured for a specific country or market have specific and unique warranty support, which may create significant differences in the user experience based on the products having been tailored for a specific country or market. The current action is only directed against importers who do not have the permission or authorization to use the ‘Dell' trademark as registered in India, in course of trade, to ensure distribution of Dell products through authorized channels. It is not directed against authorized importers, distributors or re-sellers of such Dell branded products.

Mahesh Bhalla, executive director, Dell India, Consumer & Small and Medium Business: "Dell enjoys a great brand reputation in India, and our customers here expect a high degree of support and service. Unauthorized imports that misguide or misrepresent customers with products brought in from other countries and not adequately supported by warranties cause serious inconveniences and losses to our customers and endanger our brand reputation."


"We have seen an increasing number of cases where many customers who bought their Dell products from unauthorized sellers came to us for service & support issues. We have tried to support customers despite lack of warranty but given the high incidence of such cases, we find it difficult to offer the right degree of service. Many of these customers have in fact not been informed at the time of purchase that they are not entitled to warranty support in India on these products."
