
Delhi to get Smart Card system

DQW Bureau
New Update


The government of Delhi through the transport department is all set to roll

out its project for issuing India's first SCOSTA (Smart Card operating system

in trans-port applications) compliant-Smart Optical Card based vehicle

registration system. Once the system is in place-within the next 20 days, the

new vehicles shall be issued smart optical based vehicle registration

certificates in New Delhi. The Rs 148 crore project spread along a period of

five years-is likely to involve distribution of around four million smart

cards in 10 major RTOs within the Delhi region.

Delhi based Shonkh tech-nologies is implementing the issuance of smart

optical cards in Delhi. "The entire cost of the infrastructure, technology

cards, persona-lization software, manpower operations, supply of req-uired

hardware maintenance shall be borne by Shonkh with no financial burden on the

government exchequer," informed Navnit Gulati,.VP, Shonkh

The company is set to replace the conventional system of vehicle

regis-trations. The card with a microprocessor chip and an optical memory strip

are capable of both storing and processing data. It has a 4kb stored compliant

single chip with a memory of additional data storage. An optical card optical

memory has a digital storage size of book size proportion. The visual por-tion

of the card contains all the information that is in the RC book.


Besides vehicle registration smart cards have many other applications. They

can be used to store and process data in the field of Telecommunications SIM

cards, banking, loyalty, ID, transport, health care, insura-nce, e-governance,

physical access control and logical access control.

CyberMedia News

New Delhi
