
D-Link to be training partner of Foundry Networks

DQW Bureau
New Update


D-Link India Ltd through Intercorridor Systems Ltd (a fully owned subsidiary
of D-Link India) is now the first Foundry Networks authorized training partner
in India to serve the rapidly growing training needs in the Indian

According to the press rele-ase, it will now offer all of Foundry's
networking curri-culum and training courses. Completing these courses is an
important part of acqui-ring the Foundry Networks Certified Network Engineer (FNCNE)
and the Foundry Networks Certified Network Professional accreditations.
Intercorridor Technical Edu-cation Center (I-TEC) will commence the delivery of
courses supporting Foundry Networks' solutions in Nov 2004. These courses
cover Foundry's complete range of products for high-perfor-mance switching and
routing, as well as Web traffic mana-gement products.

Aside from offering a three-day seminar on "Foundry Basic Switch/Router
Configuration and Management", Interco-rridor (I-TEC) will also offer a
two-day introduction course to Web switching und load bala-ncing, as well as a
five-day adv-anced course. The latter is gea-red towards network admini-strators
who require a very detailed knowledge of Foundry products. D-Link through I-TEC
will be conducting these training programs in Mumbai.


After completing all of the necessary courses, attendees can take a
high-level Prome-tric exam to become a FN-CNE or an FNCNP. The pre-requisite for
participating in FNCNE coursework is fami-liarity with TCP/IP (Trans-mission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

The courses are geared towards Foundry Networks partners and resellers
end-users. D-Link and Foundry expect that both resellers and end-users will gain
considerable added value from Intercorridor (I-TEC) and its new authorized
training partner status that will extend Foundry product experienc and network
design expertise locally.

CyberMedia News

