
CONFED-ITA undergoes alteration

DQW Bureau
New Update


face="Times New Roman, serif">Taking

cue from best practices followed in MNC's, href="">

CONFED-ITA has also

re-vamped its escalation matrix. The association has now devised

three layers of escalation process. Members will have to raise their

issues first by posting it in the inner circle group. In in case a

fellow member can resolve the issue by using his existing

relationship with the vendor, then the matter is considered as

closed. If the issue still persists, then it is escalated to the

local association. It is the association's prerogative to resolve

the issue. Only when the local association is not able to solve the

issue, the matter is escalated to the executive council of

CONFED-ITA. S Prakash, President, CONFED-ITA said, “By way of

following the escalation process, lot of issues like service cases,

warranty cases etc get resolved with the help of fellow members.

Earlier we used to get plenty of such cases and it was impossible to

resolve each and every case. Now the process is smoother, faster and

convenient for everyone.”

face="Times New Roman, serif">When

asked about cases like the recent HP distribution policy or Stellar

'Black Cat' software Prakash said, “We did not interfere in HP

distribution policy matter because it was pertaining only to Chennai,

which the local association resolved the matter. Regarding Black Cat,

both the parties did not reach to any consensus. Hence we have

advised the affected members to send a legal notice to the company.

It is the choice of the dealers to accept this decision or not. For

now taking the legal route seems to be better option.” This

decision was taken after the executive council meeting.

face="Times New Roman, serif">Prakash

also elaborated on the reason behind this change as he said, “All

that we are proposing is a fair way to do business. We are not here

to interfere with any vendor's business or push our way through

every problem whether it pertains to us or not. Only when a genuine

problem is raised and which cannot be solved by a local association,

we step in. By this way it helps us also to track the association

proceedings through out the year and there will be regularized method

of raising concerns.” Members

across all associations have expressed their consent for this new

change and are planning to utilize this to their best use.
