has announced a
date for the most-awaited GT2GT (Get Together to Grow Together)
program. The proposed date and venue is September 9, 2011at Green
Valley Resort in Coimbatore, where, all members of the association
and vendors will participate to discuss on certain agenda, proposals
and grievances.
This year's main agenda
will be to discuss the 'SOUL' project amongst others, which was
recently implemented. In the project, the vendors and distributors
have agreed to charge 0.1% extra on the first billing and the
accumulated fundwill be used for the welfare of the channel partners.
This will make Confed-ITA members self-empowered and will
ensure better lifestyle of partners andtheir families.
While discussing the
agenda for the program, R Mahesh, chairman, GT2GT event said, “In
this event all vendors are expected to participate for a discussion
with the members. One of the important topics for discussion will be
the SOUL project. Though it is implemented, we need more vendors to
participate in this project. This would hannelize the project and
the association would reap maximum benefit.”
The event will bedivided
in 2 sessions, the first session will comprise a meeting among the
membersof the Confed-ITA, followed by a joint meeting with the
vendors. “We organize some major events every year, and this year
we will have GT2GT where business challenges catering to the dealer
community and vendors would be discussed. We are in theprocess of
inviting vendors. SOUL project would be our prime topic of
discussion. HP and Dell are through with this project but we want
more vendors to give a green signal to SOUL, and therefore this event
will help us in implementing the project effectively,” said A
Muthuswamy, president, Confed-ITA.