
Component Solution in expansion spree

DQW Bureau
New Update


Chennai-based Component Solution Technologies, a recent entrant in the IT distribution business, has launched `Pure Logic' brand of modems and headsets in the market. Pure Logic is a brand owned and promoted by Component Solution Technologies having wide range of products under it such as CD-ROM drives, keyboards, cabinets, mouse, speakers and motherboards, being sourced from Taiwan through OEM deal. "We will be launching our P4 cabinets in the market shortly," said Noel Surendran, Manager - Operations, Component Solution Technologies.

Meanwhile, the company is gearing up to launch Apacer's handy drives, Flash cards and readers for convenient portable storage solution requirements. Component Solution is an all India distributor for Apacer range of products and has already launched its memory products in the market. "The other brands we represent here are iNabling technologies' iStation (email solution) and Batchu Trade International's Pen Media products," he said.


Right now, the company is not looking at further expanding brands and products, and would concentrate mainly on strengthening with existing offerings. Component Solution has appointed Kannya Electronics and Sshanti as its master dealer in the city to deal with the channel accounts. "We have similar partners in Vellore, Trichy, Kumbakonam, Tanjore, Madurai and Cochin, and in the process of appointing in Coimbatore and Nagercoil during the next quarter," said

The company which started its operations early this year is presently concentrating only in Tamil Nadu and Kerala markets and has over 250 channels in the network to whom it supplies regularly. "We are expecting a turnover of Rs 2.5 - Rs 3 crore in the first year of operations," said Surendran.
