
CMDA to hold first-ever elections on Christmas

DQW Bureau
New Update


It’s polling time in Delhi. After the elections for the assembly, it’s

the turn of Computer Media Dealers Association (CMDA) to go for polls on the

Christmas Day. Formed in the beginning of January 2001, this is the first

general election of the association.

The posts for which polling will be held include President, VP (two seats),

Treasurer, Secretary and Executive Mem-bers (seven seats). Apart from these five

posts, there are two more posts of Joint Treasurer and Joint Secretary (two

seats each) for which the President in consultation with the Treas-urer and

Secretary will appoint the members.

The association has also decided that only those mem-bers who have paid their

subscription upto date would be eligible to contest, vote or propose/second

candidates. And for those members who still have to pay the subscrip-tion fee,

they have been given a time till December 18 to clear their dues, if they want

to participate in the poll process.


Election Schedule

Last day for filing of papers: December 18
Last day for withdrawals: December 22
Display of eligible candidates’ list: December 24
Polling: December 25–from 9 AM to 2 PM
Counting of votes: December 25–after 2 PM

According to Puneet Singhal, President, CMDA, "As of now, out of around

150 members, only around 95 are eligible to vote. Through this, we are trying to

invite these defaulters to pay up their dues to the association and become

eli-gible for participating in the elections."

When asked if he has plans to re-contest the elections, Singhal, who already

has had a three-year stint at the helm of the association, replied in a very

enthusiastic tone, "Of course." The

members elected will hold office for a period of three years.


As far as the nomination forms are concerned, members will have to collect it

from the association office and submit it latest by December 18. After the last

date of withdrawal on December 22, the list of eligible candidates will be

displayed on December 24. Polling will be held on December 25 in the main

courtyard of Ranjit Nagar Commercial Complex, between 9 AM and 2 PM. The

counting of votes and the final declara-tion of the results will be done on the

same day.

The DQ Week along with DCTA (Delhi Computer Traders Association) and NACIT

will be the independent observers of the entire election process.

Karma Negi

New Delhi
