
CMDA gears up for elections

DQW Bureau
New Update


Delhi-based Computer Media Dealers Association (CMDA) is gearing up to hold

elections in October 2009. While the lengthy procedure has already been

initiated, what's left is finalizing the dates. “The entire exercise takes about

two months. It includes calling for nominations, finalizing dates, informing

candidates, sending out nomination files and giving a withdrawal date,” shared

Puneet Singhal, President, CMDA.

CMDA holds elections every three years. Singhal will be completing his third

tenure this year. This time around the association is looking forward to having

a new team. “We want to infuse fresh blood into CMDA, that's why we will be

looking at having a new set of people to head the association,” commented Manoj

Khanna, Secretary, CMDA.

Asked whether he would consider contesting the elections this time around,

Singhal said, “I have been the President of CMDA for nine years now. We need new

people and are on the lookout for eligible candidates from the executive council

or any other member.”


During Singhal's past tenure CMDA has to its credit few major achievements.

Most noteworthy was the case CMDA filed against Samsung about two years ago,

regarding parallel imports. The association has also recently taken up the issue

of VAT with Manufacturers' Association for IT (MAIT) and is looking forward to a

positive outcome. “MAIT cannot wash their hands off the VAT issue. They are

representing a party so they have to be responsible and take ownership,” stated


CMDA has sent four reminders to MAIT asking it to urge vendors to drop the

practice of doing sales by giving backend incentives and to do upfront business.

The last reminder was sent in the second week of July.

Singhal added that CMDA hopes MAIT will take the issue seriously. “We have

sent them a fourth reminder and are just giving them sometime to revert. If we

do not get a reply we will follow it up with a legal notice,” commented Singhal.


That apart, the association is also looking at coming out with its third

edition of members' directory. For the past two to three years the hunt has also

been on for an association office. “Property prices have shot up in the past so

the plan to get our own space took a backseat. Now we are exploring that option

again,” said Singhal. He added that CMDA association activities such as family

gatherings etc were currently on hold due to the fact that finding sponsors

during the slowdown was difficult.
