CMC announced the expansion of its partner network with the signing of a
value-added reseller (VAR) Agreement with FileVision Inc. This partnership will
help facilitate the delivery of large digitization solutions integrated with
advanced business process automaÂtion capabilities.
According to Ramanathan Ramanan, MD and CEO, CMC, “Our partnership with
FileVision will provide CMC a strategic platform to expand our solution and
services offering in the growing large-scale digitizaÂtion solutions and
business process automation. When combined with CMC's extensive domain
expertise, project management and technological compeÂtencies, the FileVision
application suite will significantly enhance our robust client offerings.”
Dave Jones, CEO, FileÂVision stated, “We are excited about our partnerÂship
with a world-class IT consultancy enterprise, CMC. This provides FileÂVision
with an extended global reach and the ability to provide our worldwide
enterprise custoÂmers with better domain and project services capabilities.”