
Cisco races partners to F1

DQW Bureau
New Update


In a bid to increase its
overall sales besides penetrating more cities in the nation,
networking major href="">Cisco
is all set to take 40 odd partners to Germany
to view the F1 Championship.

The program, titled 'Cisco
F1 Overdrive' was launched on March 3 commencing on the billing
period from March 10 to June 15, 2011 for its tier-2 partners
whereby, upon successful completion of 'points' and sales
targets, Cisco promised its partners in the Saarc region to take them
to witness the F1 event. There is a cap of 200 points per deal
ID/invoice placed at any Cisco authorized distributor.

“The 'Overdrive' scheme
was applicable to our tier-2 partners from which about 40 have
qualified for the promotion. This is the first time we are holding
such an incentive scheme on a pan-Saarc basis based on the point
system,” said Arun Dharmalingam, VP, distribution channels, Cisco
India and Saarc.


The tier-2 partners
comprise the distributors as well as sub-distributors and reseller
partners. “The 'Overdrive' concept is based on the factor of having
more speed and the push factor in sales terms. With 2,000 partners
being covered in this online activity, we have selected 40 partners.
Further, our partners can also redeem their points for iPads and
other gifts,” Dharmalingam added.

Besides the move to
penetrate more into the market and leverage its overall sales, the
company also sought to increase brand loyalty amidst its partners. To
ensure a competitive race, partners across the Saarc region were
split into 6 categories namely-Category A comprising Mumbai, Delhi
and NCR; Category B comprising Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune;
Category C comprising Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Cochin, Baroda
followed by Category D-Bhopal, Coimbatore, Guwahati, Jaipur,
Lucknow, Vizag and Category E for the rest of India. Also, other
Saarc countries comprising Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives,
Bhutan for Category F.

The top 3 partners in each
category, except Category F, qualified automatically for the 2011
German F1 race tickets where the top performing partner received 2
assured tickets and the first and second runner up got 1 assured
ticket. For the 5th ticket in each of the categories, except F, a
lucky draw was held for partners who achieved the minimum required
points to qualify for the draw. Besides the incentive scheme, Cisco
will also be holding an awards night to felicitate the winners.
