
Chetan Shah Inspires Members To Turn Life On Two Wheels At ASIRT Techday

Priyanka Pugaokar
New Update
Chetan Shah Inspires Members To Turn Life On Two Wheels At ASIRT Techday

The inspiring journey of Chetan Shah, MD of Xpress Computers and founding chairman of ASIRT, who defeated critical ailment and created a record of cycling to world's highest motorable pass in Ladakh, instigated the audience to come out of their comfort zones and stretch their inner strengths in the knowledge packed ASIRT Tech day held recently.


Talking about his journey on the two wheels, Shah not only inspired the audience, but appealed them to look at life with a different approach. Suffered from a painful ailment, Shah talked about how cycling brought drastic changes in his life and how it became a game changer for him.

Shah, who went through critical brain tumor surgery, knee replacement and ultimately cardiac 5 bypass surgery, recently, made a record of cycling to world's highest motorable pass in Ladakh Khardung La. Recalling the tough days he faced, Shah said the urge live life on his own terms led him towards cycling. He also spoke of the travails of cycling to Ladakh and how he overcame hardships.

Shah appealed ASIRT members to give up the excuses and take up cycling or any kind of sports physical exercises that brings major impact in life. He also gave crucial tips of cycling to members. Shah received standing ovation for his truly inspiring session.



Asus, NPAV and Canon were the main sponsors of the event. Platinum Sponsor Canon showcased its latest offerings and talked about its technology in terms of lasting quality and reduction in Total Cost of Ownership, eliminating easily damaged components. Canon also trained the correct pitch and unique benefits to specific customer verticals and segment.

Gold Sponsors Asus made an exclusive launch of three products in the event.  Asus also let out the secret of their ASIRT FIRST initiative. “We know the correct pulse of the product and value response of our partners who actually sell the product”, said Asus India Country Head Vinay Shetty.


NPAV, another ASIRT Gold Sponsor introduced members to Netprotector antivirus and internet security suite. NPAV showcased its set of antivirus offerings that have built-in features of Data Leakage Prevention and firewalls with comprehensive enterprise Central Admin console that can manage security of up to 5000 devices remotely from a single terminal including installation, grouping, policies, schedules, triggers threat scan, application management and even data theft management.

Vodafone signed up with ASIRT as Gold sponsor and introduced the opportunities they bring to ASIRT members.
