
Channel partner views on cricket and politics

DQW Bureau
New Update


Post the dramatic ouster of the ace ex Team India captain-Sourav


after the Zimbabwe Test series in September this year and the infamous Ganguly-Chappell

public spat that followed, Ganguly is once again being included in the 15-member

team for the Test series against Sri Lanka. Piyali Guha from The DQ Week spoke

to channel partners from different parts of the Eastern region to find out their

opinion on the debate.

ilon Chakraborty, Syntech Informatics, Kolkata

The bad phase that

Ganguly passed through is common with all players however big they are. It is an

open secret that he was victimized following some internal politics among

selectors and top management of the Indian cricket board. But at the same time I

feel any incidents of violence should not occur as it will tarnish our image in

front of the world and this will also make bring down the image of Ganguly who

is known for his towering personality. To not support any loud actions or

slogans but protest silently by wearing black badges is agreeable.



V K Bhandari, Supertron Electronics, Kolkata

It is true that nobody

should be taken for granted. To be in the team one has to perform. But based on

his past performance the treatment that Ganguly received from the selectors and

the board is not acceptable. This happened due to the ongoing internal politics

and nothing else. As a neutral Indian I feel that he has performed very well for

the country in all these years and has captained the side extremely well. He has

got so many outstanding performances and international records. It must have

been a good lesson for Ganguly too that nobody could be taken for granted.



Prabhat Kr Sinha, Astric Computers, Patna

The treatment received by

Ganguly is not at all justified. He has won so many matches for India and is the

most successful captain. True he was not playing consistently for some time but

that's again true to few other players too. This is nothing but internal lobby

and politics of which Ganguly became a victim. Also now that he is being

included in the forthcoming test squad is largely due to the pressure the

selectors and board members have received from the public as Kolkattans are very

sentimental about cricket and Ganguly. Without him the chance of winning India

versus South Africa at the Eden is 40:60.



Neeraj Agarwal, Nimbus Technologies, Kolkata

The way Ganguly was

thrown out of the team was bad. A player and a leader of his caliber should not

have been treated in this way. The killer attitude and the aggressiveness Team

India has today is the result of the same persona Ganguly has. He should have

been given another chance as had been given to some other players who are not

playing consistently. It is nothing but internal politics that has made Ganguly

a victim. People should definitely protest against this injustice done to him.

But any aggressive protest in the match venue should not be done as it will

reflect a negative image. Personally I feel that his inclusion as an all-rounder

in the team is also an insult. But Ganguly is a positive person and in this

situation also he has remained very humble as well as optimist and I am sure he

will come out of all this.
