CDFG aspires to become voice of IT hardware professionals in the state of Goa
On the backdrop of the current turmoil in the Goa IT Business Association (GIBA) and the standoff between the old and new office bearers, Computer Dealers Forum of Goa (CDFG) seems to be emerging as a new voice of IT professionals in Goa. CDFG has heavily concentrated on increasing its membership strength in the state.
Mandar Manjrekar, member of CDFG said, “We are getting very positive response from the IT hardware professionals. Many dealers and resellers have shown their interest to associate with CDFG.”
Manjrekar said that CDFG was committed to raise the voice of thousands of small IT dealers in front of the government and safeguard the interest of thousands of dealers in Goa. He said that the forum was determined to strengthen the IT channel ecosystem in the state. It has started a membership registration process and it has targeted to achieve 100 plus partners by the end of the month.
CDFG has taken a strong stand against the Online Commerce and also asked the state government to look into the alleged disparities in the “Cyber Age” Scheme. Demanding dignified survival IT hardware professionals in the state, CDFG have demanded VAT on online sales and entry tax on goods.