
Canon rewards its partners

DQW Bureau
New Update


The leadership summit also became the launch of Canon's 'e-learning'


Canon India Pvt Ltd hosted the Leadership Summit for its part-ners, which is

an annual event where Canon partners come together and share successes and

strategize for the year ahead. This was the fourth cha-pter of the meet and was

held in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the theme titled Leadership Summit'04-where

Aces rule.

According to the press release, the event also included National level awards

for the partners. It also witnessed the launch capsule of Canon's new product

line-up and rich presentations by the Senior Management from Canon Tokyo and



The summit was divided into two days, where the first day gave the partners

an opportunity to enjoy the bea-uty of Sri Lanka the second day included

informative sessions by Canon spokespeople on Canon products, talks by

consultants on management issues and also the launch of Canon's 'e-learning'


Commenting on the occa-sion, Alok Bharadwaj, Canon India consumer imaging and

information division (CIID) and volume products Director and GM said, "The

Leadership Sum-mit has three broad objectives. Firstly, to build stronger

relati-onships with our partners, secondly to share with them the organization

directions and plans for next year and thi-rdly to reward performers".

CyberMedia News

New Delhi
