Amidst globalisation as Indian enterprises focus on being lean and agile, the cloud has increasingly acted as a panacea and has seen rapid adoption. Microsoft has been at the forefront of cloud based solutions through its Platform as a Service (PAAS) and Software as a service solutions (SAAS). C3IT was amongst the select group of Microsoft Gold Partners and sheds some light on the business potential that exists in India. C3IT is an IT services and consulting company specializing in business applications, analytics and collaboration portals; delivered on the cloud as well as on traditional on premise infrastructure.
Sarika Malhotra, CEO, C3IT Solutions, says, “ There are over 15 million SMBs in India. These comprise of either family businesses or first generation entrepreneurs who have been continuing to operate despite lack of funds, unpredictable market conditions and sub-standard infrastructure. The price they have paid is - inability to invest in automation that could have helped optimize their operations and improve staff productivity.”
Ostensibly, cloud adoption helps such businesses to invest in automation without being constricted by high maintenance costs that come with on premise hardware. Thus there is a tremendous opportunity that exists.
Malhotra adds, “Cloud adoption enables such businesses to invest in automation without being constrained by the high cost of acquisition and maintenance. SMBs have already recognized this and the move to the cloud has started. I see it accelerating in a big way in the next 3-5 years.”
The company covers all aspects of IaaS, PaaS as well as the SaaS offering of O365 from Microsoft. We help Customers migrate their legacy systems to the Cloud as well as to provision infrastructure, backups, DR etc. on the cloud.
According to Malhotra, “ We help Customers migrate their legacy systems to the Cloud as well as to provision infrastructure, backups, DR etc. on the cloud. We use the cloud with our Customers to collaborate with them and for hosting development and test versions of systems before migrating them to the Customer’s production infrastructure.”
Enterprises today, in India are focusing on their leveraging their workloads on various cloud platforms. However there are various constraints in this context. For now, India is lacking in terms of IT infrastructure which would be pertinent towards cloud adoption in Tier 2 and 3 cities. There is a certainly need for better broadband penetration and these factors would play a critical role in the adoption of the cloud across India.