We Indians have an irrepressible penchant for movies. The lure of the silver screen is evident from the number of films we produce every year, not to mention to the hero/heroine deification and an astounding number of film magazines and journals published here. The latest to be burgeoned by Bollywood is none other than our very own cyberspace. Here's taking a peek at some of the best filmy websites India has to offer.
Paper roses: IndiaMovies.com
Once we get through with the dewy flowers and placid scenary and when the staidness of our wallpaper begins to get a little beyond tolerable irritation, we invariable look to the 'stars' to sprinkle a little stardust on our monitors. Offering this to you is IndiaMovies.com, which hosts a very impressive gallery of wallpapers.
The next best thing you'd find at IndiaMovies.com is its Timepass section. When you find yourself sandwiched in the gooey middle sphere between reality and stardom, the Timepass section is sure to buffer your thud back to reality--there are quiz, filmy cliches, quotable quotes and a very innovative way to insult a friend!
Soupy scoops: FilmFare.com
As hard as we may try, we just can't seem to get our noses out of the lives of our stars. Blame it on the Indian inquisitiveness, or on the colorful lives our stars lead, but a Salman-Aishwarya scoop does leave us readers jelly kneed and clamoring for more. That's exactly the USP of FilmFare.com. The Cyberscoop section ensures we get to know the latest, whether truth or fabricated, on the personal front of our stars, be it a blossoming love tuned sour, sibling rivalry or even a family showdown. FilmFare.com ensures this by giving its visitors an update on the Bollywood party circuit, and by virtually feeding your imagination with loads of gossip.
Love 'em and tell 'em: Chalocinema.com
Remember the gory tales our film stars tell us about love-crazed fans professing undying love to them at unearthly hours in the night, or better still, threatening them with dire consequences if wishes are not met? Chalocinema.com has come up with a solution--for both stars and fans. Here's a better way to communicate to your favorite star--Chalocinema.com! What's more, the site also keeps you posted on star birthdays. So, you may just be in time to wish your favorite star "happy birthday". (Who said crazy little things don't matter in life?)\
At the other end of the site is a section for the techno-buff. For those who want to know more about the Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, read up at Chalocinema.com. (Incidentally, DLP technology is being used in "Atlantis", a film that is being produced under the Disney banner)
Sound of Music: TamilMovies.com
'Music makes a movie', may be too sweeping a statement to make, but yes, music does play a very important role in contributing to the success or failure of a film. And down south, music can make or mar a movie. Also, down south, we have a hoard of movie-music enthusiasts, who could hold a steady conversation by spouting lyrics from songs (Yeah! Something like 'antakshari' but minus the song). TamilMovies.com has a section dedicated to film songs, where users can listen to and enjoy their favorite film music.
The feather in the hat of TamilMovies.com is its Production section. This section is extensive and details on the various film projects under production. In addition to this, TamilMovies Online (TMO) has Chat, greeting cards, gallery and also a forum where you get to discuss Kollywood with people who share your level of enthusiasm.
Itsy-Bitsy newsy: TamilCinema.com
It's a different world out there. Unlike politics, with its characteristic verbose mud-slinging fixation, the film industry is a 'happening' place more to do with who gets the plum role in the plum venture and how (?). For a movie buff, this probably appeals more than who becomes the chief minister, given volatile political conditions (C'mon, the poor guy has seen it all before and couldn't care less now!). Capitalizing on this is TamilCinema.com, which dishes out news galore for its news-seeking users. There's daily news, cinema news, standard news, Tamil links. In short, this is one editorially rich site--what with interviews, movie reviews, short stories and special features
Ek, do, teen: Apunkachoice.com
But there's nothing like having it all listed out for us--the top 10 movies, the top ten music albums--and that's what you'll find at Apunkachoice.com. Making up our minds for us, Apunkachoice.com lists out for us the best of movies and music doing the rounds in Bollywood. But that's not all! There are freebies for the asking, games and fashion statements.
And after all this if you still have time (and energy) left, you can check out ShowbizIndia.com, which gives you the latest that's happening on the showbiz scene; for those who want to catch up with their favorite celebrities, you can log on to IndiaCelebs.com. But for those hard-boiled Bollywood enthusiasts, you'd fine quite a neat site at BollywoodOnWeb.com
While all these site are built to enthrall you and keep you busy for quite a while, there's a potential danger lurking behind those deceptively colorful web pages. After reading all those reviews and interviews and scoops, when you finally get to sit back in your seat in a theatre, you may be swept away with a feeling déjà vu. Didn't you see it all before? No? Try it out.